ព្រះវិហារ (preahwiʔhiə)=Church និង ប្រាសាទ (prasat) =Temple, and វត្ត (woat)= pagodas



ព្រះវិហារ (preahwiʔhiə)=Church/Temple and(និង,nəŋ) ប្រាសាទ (prasat)=Temple are different meaning in Khmer context. Many people say that they go to SiemReap to visit ព្រះវិហារ (preahwiʔhiə). in face they are going to visit ប្រាសាទ (prasat). In order to avoid confusing, I try to explain as much as I can. In cases you still not clearly about these word please send my in direct PM.
ប្រាសាទ (prasat) is a "temple". ប្រាសាទ (prasat) is an ancient temple, monument, ruins; fortress; tower; palace with minarets. I think the word "ប្រាសាទ" is use more for the ancient temples in Khmer that were built hundreds of years ago. I'm not certain, but that is my idea. Temples can be found in many different religions, including Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Taoism. They are typically dedicated to a specific deity or deities, and they may contain statues, altars, and other religious objects. Temples can be found in a variety of architectural styles, depending on the region and the religion. Basically, the ប្រាសាទ (prasat) are the ancient Buddhist/Hindu temples. ព្រះវិហារ (preahwiʔhiə) is a "church" . The word ព្រះវិហារ (preahwiʔhiə) are used for both Christian and Buddhist. It seem likes Buddhist temple, the main building for worship in a Buddhist temple complex; sanctuary, church. Pagodas are also places of worship, but they are specifically associated with Buddhism. They are typically tall, multi-tiered towers that are often made of brick or stone. Pagodas may contain relics of the Buddha or other Buddhist saints, and they are often used for meditation and religious ceremonies. Today, where the Cambodian Buddhist monks live, work, study, pray, hold ceremonies are in the វត្ត/pagoda. For example, when they talk about going to the temple for celebration, pray, offerings, wedding, ceremonies, to listen to the Cambodian Buddhist monks teach. I don't hear Cambodian people saying, "I went to the ប្រាសាទ (prasat) to pray, or offer to ancestors, or celebrate ...... Basically, ព្រះវិហារ (preahwiʔhiə) is a modern temple today where people go to worship, pray, celebrate, do offerings, listen to monk teaching. Prasat now a day is pointing at monument, Christian from day one we use ព្រះវិហារ (preahwiʔhiə) not វត្ត​ (woat) because វត្ត (woat) is pointing at Buddhist religion and inside the វត្ត​ (woat) they do have ព្រះវិហារ (preahwiʔhiə) is the main building.

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